One company. Multiple fields.

We know a little bit about a lot of things, that is our strength.

HI: Investments

HI: Investments invests in a range of different sectors, from stocks and funds, to new digital currencies. For more information, contact us in the “contact us” section of this page.

HI: Media & Design

HI: Media & Design is our media & design branch.
Specializing in Portfolio design, web design, CV-design, real estate photography and video etc.

HI: Investments

HI:Investments invests in a range of different sectors, like stocks, startups, real estate, cryptocurrency.

HI: Media & Design

HI: Media & Design is our media and design branch.
We specialize in Portfolio design, Web design, CV-design ie.

Don’t work for money, let the money work for you.

A famous quote by Robert Kiyosaki, and the borderline of why Haugen Investments was created.

Featured Work

Let’s work together on your
next project

HI: Media & Design is ready for new challenges.