About Us

Our Story

“Do we matter? Are our choices our own, or are our destiny governed by a unseen hand?”.

We believe we have a choice.
Here at HI: we make our own path; we carve our own destiny.

Starting out with the initial though of “making money work for you, rather than you work for money” as famously said by Robert Kyosaki – we aim to do exactly that.

Seperating us from the common path of working 9-5, for 50 years and then retire with just enough to cover your lifetime of bills and mortgages. This was not the life for us.

Having this fresh in mind we thought to challenge this path, and starting an umbrella company with multiple assets and income streams – this seemed like a good start.

Who knows if we will succeed or not, but I guess we thought that life was too short to give up that opportunity.

“Life is too short not to try.” – Fredrik J. Haugen